Your Voice Is Paramount In Completing The Song Of The World

"There isn't anything romantic about death." Death. The ever-looming noose just around your neck, just awaiting the right time to tighten around you. Death is an unrelenting monster. You may escape the clutches of love but you can never beguile death. W e seek love, death seeks us. Sometimes, your parents would fail to make sense out of your tragedies and theirs, but that does not mean tragedies are senseless and in your grievous moments, never think life is meaningless. Its upon us to make sense out of the tangled loom of thread. Pass the thread through the nook of the needle, and sew your own stories on the complicated web of time. Never for the briefest second, undermine the importance of your existence for you exist for a reason and that reason is not "to be shunned." If your elders ever give you that reason tell them no actor steps onto the stage without a role an...