
Showing posts from August, 2016

Growing Up Is Not A Challenge But a Preparation!

For years, the whole momentousness of growing up could be aptly encapsulated in having a "Grand Birthday Celebration." Never in all those years of careless juniority, had we ever conjectured that one day we will HAVE to shed this skin of laxity and frivolousness and don on our roles of responsible adult. Never in our far-fetched imaginations had we anticipated that the day that we step out of our schools, we will start bearing the weight of our decisions. After all, how could have one ever perceived that in one day the bearings on our compass of life would change. When for years, our parents had been the North star for us, just in a day, we would become the Sun of our livelihood. This idea of growing up always sounded so dubious as if it was extracted right out of  fairy tales , a product of errant imagination. Really! When eighteen years of our lives washed away without any gravity except maybe a slight change in school curriculum, how could one more day of our life...

A Rich Life

"It is only by following your deepest instinct that you can lead a rich life, and if you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, then your life will be safe, expedient and thin." Katharine Butler Hathaway And while one may wish for a safe and expedient life, a thin life would leave you discontented and regretful. I absolutely like how the writer has paired the words safe, expedient and thin as if they possess the same connotation and belong to the same semantic field for it gives the impression that these three things are inseparable and one cannot possibly luxuriate in a safe and expedient life without being subjected to a thin existence.

My Friend or An Act of Charity?

Sympathy : the feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else's trouble, grief, misfortune, etc. That's the definition of sympathy we are most familiar with and the one we often denote with the world's usage. It arises out of a feeling of superiority over the other, considering the other less privileged, and unfortunate. How often would you use that word to describe your relation with somebody, especially a friend? Can friendship ever be a product of sympathy? Can you ever befriend somebody that you consider pathetic in their inferiority? I guess not! Friendship is a commute of two amicable souls, where both appreciate and acknowledge the worth of other in their bond. Friendship is a divine bestowal that aids you on the path of self discovery, for your friend will always be your biggest critic, condemning your wrongs and appraising your rights. Friend ship is the basis of all other relations: a mother and her child's; a wedded couple; ...