Growing Up Is Not A Challenge But a Preparation!
For years, the whole
momentousness of growing up could be aptly encapsulated in having a "Grand Birthday Celebration."
Never in all those years of careless juniority, had we
ever conjectured that one day we will HAVE to shed this skin of laxity and frivolousness
and don on our roles of responsible adult. Never in our far-fetched
imaginations had we anticipated that the day that we step out of our schools,
we will start bearing the weight of our decisions.
After all, how could have
one ever perceived that in one day the bearings on our compass of life would
change. When for years, our parents had been the North star for us, just in a
day, we would become the Sun of our livelihood. This idea of growing up always
sounded so dubious as if it was extracted right out of fairy tales, a product of
errant imagination. Really! When eighteen years of our lives washed away
without any gravity except maybe a slight change in school curriculum, how
could one more day of our life carry this magnanimous import?
Alas now we know!
we know how impetuously our lives change courses.
Our frail shoulders have the
weight of our destinies thrust on them.
We become the architects of our lives.
When for years we had been the moths, circumnavigating our elders for their boundless wisdom, now our juniors treat us as the lighthouse.
When for years we had been the moths, circumnavigating our elders for their boundless wisdom, now our juniors treat us as the lighthouse.
But what is my point in marveling over all this? Not much actually! I just want to advise all the youngsters who are in their transitory phase to adulthood to hold on to their courage and dreams. The ride maybe rocky, bouncy and overwhelming.
However have you ever pressed a flower in your book, for then, you would know how by remaining crushed between weight, it retains its vibrancy and its sweet smells becomes the legacy to the book that held it captivated. In contrast, if the same flower is left to dry out, it soon turns brown and reeks of decay.
How could nature's rule change for humans? All our ordeals toughen us up for the hard challenges ahead in life that we will be expected to deal independently, if we are to emerge un-crushed, our colours of joy intact, our fragrance forever pleasing.
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