Religious Intolerance Bred From Tolerance For Other Religions
I am shocked and appalled at the behaviour of fellow Muslims towards the shrines of Aulia-e-Allah which they wrongly believe to be the strongholds of shirk, thinking that masses of people worship these maza'arat. I wouldn't go in a long debate on this but if we learn the Ahadith of the Prophet P.B.U.H, these allegations would have nullified themselves before gaining any popularity. At one occasion holy Prophet P.B.U.H has been quoted to have said: "By Allah! I am not afraid t hat you will worship others along with Allah after my death" (Bukhari - Volume 2, book 23, number 428). Now what you believe is upon you but what I question is why do we teach religious harmony by propagating the celebration of Christmas (a festival which explicitly praises Hazrat Isa A.S as the son of Allah which is definitely shirk), dubbing it as religious tolerance and yet we act extremely intolerant towards sects in our own religion especially when we have no inside knowledge about them...