Taking diet cues from your toddler


Are you tired of following grueling diet plans for your kid, trying to balance his intake of carbs and proteins? Do you get fed up of constantly facing failure in this regard. We as adults often try to mediate mealtimes by bribing the kids with the promise of a cookie upon tasting a new vegetable , or committing to TV time as reward for finishing the plate.

However, this interference of ours undermines the innate ability of kids to eat intuitively. You will often observe kids creating a havoc at dinner time, overturning food platters and yet at times they would come barging in your room reporting hunger and demanding snacks. This might fed you up and you may feel as if you are unable to fulfill their required calorie intake. This is where we all are at fault.

We have an inbuilt system that connects our digestive system and brains, automatically signaling an urge to eat when we feel hungry. Help little ones eat according to their appetite and become healthy eaters rather than picky and cranky ones. Offer them a variety of food to choose from and develop their taste buds. The different colors and textures of vegetables and fruits and beans will automatically attract your little one at some point in time. The key is being persistent without being overbearing. Soon you will discover that they will be filling their own plates and eating according to their own schedule.

If you are still unsure of your success rate  follow these key guideline and you’ll never go wrong.

·         Never encourage mealtimes with rewards because it conditions the brain into thinking of them as tasks or penalties.

·         Avoid commenting on a child’s physique and appearance.

·         Avoid bringing in your own bodily insecurities in front of your children because that makes them overly conscious of body images from a young age.

·         Focus on the health benefits of the food you are offering rather than calorie count. Ensure that your child has access to all kinds of vitamins and minerals. However, at the same time do not force them to eat food. Your child will eat at his own pace and mood.

·         If your child is interested in eating independently, encourage them and guide them rather than rebuking them for the mess they make. At a young age, feeding themselves act as an exciting activity for your toddlers and later s them into independent eaters.


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