CHANGE: as my perception of change, changed!

In the past year so much changed,
So much so that words have failed,
Relegated into hollow silence,
Of unrealized sentiments
Sentiments had they been translated,
They would have spoken of increasing unfamiliarity.
We might have shared our past
At one time,
In one place,
But no longer do we choose to share our lives
We choose not to lay ourselves open,
Raw to scrutiny
Because may be we fear we have changed
And change had never been so ominous,
So uninvited,
Than it is today.
Maybe, maybe because we ourselves do not like the change we cultivated,
And we fear had this change be realized
We all will break,
So it’s easier to slowly drift away,
Afloat on the arms of time,
To peacefully let these relations recede back into the expanse of cherished memories
Without the tumult that comes with recognized differences
Preserving the illusion of a strong bond
That never faltered
Until life came in
Knocking persistently with its far more pressing demands
On our scarce time
And thus we complacently stood back,
Lying to ourselves that separation was inevitable,
And we are still there for each other in heart
But how powerful that love is which has since long not been announced?
How long can one assume that the change that made us mute,
Has not hardened our heart
From sheer love to vague fondness?
But if ever,
ever we realize that this silence is bred from fear,
Fear of criticism
For a change we never beckoned yet donned
Then know that this fear is ill-founded
a hallucination unless proved
so step free of your fears for if you already think you have travelled apart
then why do you hide behind silence
to safeguard something that ain't there for you were too scared to maintain it with dialogues.

This is a recent piece on "change" that aims to encourage friends to maintain their previous bonds with casual dialogues because in reality, our friends are the ones that had grounded us to the person we were proud of being, therefore, if we still engage each other in our lives and decisions, we would not wander so far away from ourselves that we become shy of our own reflection in the mirror.

Two years ago as well, I had chosen to write on the same topic Change Seen Through An Optimistic Blind and it is so vastly different from this that it surprised me when this came into being. but then this proves that our writings imitate our frame of mind and the phase of life we're going through.


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