I am a fallen warrior;
I am a lost battle;
I am the distraught-ed dreams;
And the dismantled courage;
I am broken beyond repair;
I am alone and in pain;
I am the forgotten lessons of patience and strength;
I am a tired old man seeing his field rot away;
I am the extinguished flame of hope;
I am stuck all alone.

Don't be surprised 'cause it happens!
"Kites fly highest against the wind"
But sometimes the wind hurls you down
Or pushes a hole through your soul,
And like a referee in a boxing ring
It then pounds the land around your form
But you lie defeated.

The world will ask you why
The world will dismiss it as just one more unfortunate card from life
But I have seen the whole stack.
I have held onto my dreams for too long,
To my eccentricities.
Taken each criticism for a compliment
But no more!
I am defeated!
Now try and push me down but let me tell you,
I am at the lowest base of all.
You can only make me roll away with you,
And mould me into one more urn, sitting standardized upon the society's wall.

Sundus Mohsin Dhamdia
3rd May'16


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